Evaluation KCA



Our evaluation team is committed to designing and implementing tracking and evaluation activities through a participatory approach that recognizes meaningful use of evaluation findings.

We evaluate all research and educational activities for the OSCTR as a whole and specifically for each of the KCAs (Key Component Activities) that make up the OSCTR.  We monitor the implementation of program activities; track junior faculty, scholars and mentors, as well as pilot projects; assess the development and sustainability of multidisciplinary research teams; , and track budgetary implementation, allocation of resources, and resource sharing.

Our team is also tasked with assisting each KCA in determining their needs related to a tracking structure to enhance their overall performance, promote synergy and increase overall scientific productivity.

Evaluation Design:

We use a mixed-method approach to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the program.   

Some of these methods include:

  • Interviews and focus groups
  • Surveys
  • Program data analysis
  • Published research
  • Social network analysis

Logic Models:

Our evaluation planning approach relies heavily on the use of logic models to show the presumed logic through which activities lead to intended results.  Logic models provide a framework for an evaluation plan which we use to assess implementation achievement of both short and long term objectives.  They also help guide us to implement a variety of assessment activities in which we can also use to monitor the progress of the KCAs and the OSCTR.  Logic models are reviewed annually and updated as needed.


Evaluation Handbook:

We are in the process of developing an Evaluation Standards Handbook.  This handbook will identify expectations for how all project stakeholders will be involved in evaluation, define evaluation responsibilities for the project as a whole and within KCA and core areas, and stipulate actual procedures facilitating the realization of high-quality evaluation. This handbook will not only clarify recording and reporting responsibilities across KCAs but will also guide evaluation activities throughout the development and implementation of the OSCTR.