The OSCTR provides a number of research resources to aid in the development and execution of clinical and translational research for investigators at OSCTR partner institutions.  

  • OSCTR Research Navigator service:  To assist junior investigators, or other investigators new to clinical research, across Oklahoma, a Navigator service will be located within the OSCTR to serve as an initial point of contact to integrate with institutional services (e.g. IRB, grants accounting, ORA, etc) and clinical research services (as above) to help develop new and ongoing clinical research efforts of junior investigators.
  • Biostat/Epi and Research Design Consultations:  OUHSC biostatistics and epidemiology faculty funded by the OSCTR will be available for initial consultations on data analysis and research design. After the initial consultation, additional assistance may be available depending on its alignment with OSCTR goals and investigator status.
  • Clinical Trials/Research:  Through a subcontract with the Oklahoma City Area Inter-Tribal Health Board, OSCTR will fund a full-time staff member to help tribal and IHS health systems expand the availability of clinical trials to tribal patients. OSCTR will also provide physical space and dedicated personnel to assist with clinical research projects for junior OSCTR investigators.
  • Registries and Repositories: Through a subcontract with the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, the OSCTR will provide opportunities to assist with development of registries and repositories of clinical research information and/or samples from patient or healthy control tribal populations which would be managed and controlled by junior investigators or teams of CTR scientists.
  • Special Populations Unit: Dr. Lancer Stephens will continue his work with tribes and OSCTR researchers to identify collaborative research projects that respond to tribal health priorities and advance scientific knowledge. He will be available to help forge new collaborations, identify potential interested tribal partners and facilitate education/recruitment of tribal populations on clinical research studies.
  • Community Engagement: Through a subcontract with OKPRN, OSCTR will develop practice-based research networks in pediatrics and tribal health which mirror the successful family practice OKPRN network. Services will also be available to provide education and assistance for housestaff (and faculty) members to participate in translational think tanks and in academic activities to develop a research question, critically review the literature and develop publications answering those questions.
  • Community Engagement: Through a subcontract with OKPRN, OSCTR will develop practice-based research networks in pediatrics and tribal health which mirror the successful family practice OKPRN network. Services will also be available to provide education and assistance for housestaff (and faculty) members to participate in translational think tanks and in academic activities to develop a research question, critically review the literature and develop publications answering those questions.
  • Pilot Projects: The OSCTR will identify and fund five pilot projects each year ($50,000/year in direct costs) to support clinical and translational research projects which focus on health issues of concern to Oklahomans. Individuals will be encouraged to work with statistical, research design and clinical OSCTR consultants in the development of these proposals. Funded (and meritorious but unfunded) investigators will be assigned a mentoring team to assist with the project and will procurement of additional national funds for the continuation of the research/ career development.
  • Training: OSCTR will provide training in various aspects of clinical and translational research for junior investigators and scientists new to clinical research. This training spans (1) integrating CTR concepts, lectures and mentoring to undergraduate research programs, (2) providing a renovated clinical scholars research experience for students between the 1st and 2nd years of medical school in CTR, (3) supporting the MS in Clinical Investigation and considering the development of a PhD in Clinical Investigation, (4) mentoring junior investigators in Oklahoma to career development awards (e.g. K08, K23, national foundation awards), and (5) providing the OSCTR Scholar program which provides an intensive one week CTR experience partnered with development of a clinical research project for external funding.